Moorebank Intermodal Terminal Demolition and Remediation

Moorebank Intermodal Terminal Demolition and Remediation

Moorebank NSW
Qube Logistics
27 months
Completed 2018


QUBE Logistics commissioned Liberty Industrial for demolition, remediation and site preparation works to be done in readiness for the construction of its significant infrastructure project – the Intermodal Terminal.


  • The site’s former use as a military compound pre-dating World War II meant that the presence of unexpected finds including potential unexploded ordinance created a complex and significant risk as the works progressed.
  • The complicated nature of the project and the extensive reporting structure involved numerous stakeholders, including a multitude of government regulatory authorities and various client representatives, a project management company and many third party consultants and advisors.

Robust Solutions/Exceptional Outcomes

Robust solutions

  • Meticulous planning and extensive consultation with relevant entities.
  • Development and implementation of a comprehensive Environmental Management Program and Hazardous Material Removal Plan.
  • Development and implementation of a complex community communication strategy in cooperation with client’s Community Relations team.
  • Deployment of sizable fleet of equipment.
  • Establishment of a mobile workshop complete with maintenance staff to maintain plant and equipment.


Exceptional outcomes

  • The project was masterfully executed, on budget, on schedule and without injury or incident.
  • 300 buildings and large warehouses were demolished. 14 separate 5,000m² warehouses were cleared of asbestos.
  • 300,000m² of slabs and footings were demolished.
  • 140,000t of concrete was pulverised for reuse on site.
  • 90km of underground service infrastructure was excavated, demolished, removed and backfilled.
  • 150,000t of contaminated soil was excavated and remediated, sorted, segregated, bio-remediated and hauled for disposal.
  • Hazardous chemical tanks and underground storage facilities were cleaned and demolished.
  • 15,500t of materials were recycled over the course of the project including brick, concrete, asphalt, steel, mulch and other materials.
  • 110 personnel worked over 10 separate work fronts operating concurrently at the peak of the project.

Value Add


Closure Consulting

Long-term closure planning, budgets and redevelopment strategies for redundant sites, including Early Contractor Involvement and detailed estimates.


Demolition Simulation and Modelling

With exclusive license to demonstrate using Extreme Loading® for Structures (ELS) software developed by Applied Sciences International (ASI).



Use of best approach demolition and dismantling such as explosive using world class fleet, safety and engineering methodologies in explosives and rigging.


Decontamination and Industrial Cleaning

Designing engineered solutions for decontamination such as removal of asbestos, heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins, PFAS and NORMs.


Ground and Waste Water Treatment

Treatment of a wide range of contaminants and complex water treatment and soil vapour extraction.


Asset and Resource Recovery

Comprehensive waste and recycling management to contribute to the circular economy to extend the lifecycle of materials.


Site Remediation

Site rehabilitation via methods such as bioremediation, containment, decontamination, dewatering, stabilisation, treatment and tracking to disposal of contaminants.



  • 2018 ALGA Excellence Awards, Best Remedial Project Over $1M - Winner
  • 2019 CCF Earth Awards, Excellence in Civil Construction Over $75M - Finalist

Liberty Industrial Completes Award Winning Northern Producer Decommissioning Project and Delivers Exemplary Recycling Program

Liberty Industrial Delivers Innovative & Bespoke Solutions on a Global Scale Winning Two World Demolition Awards for projects in Australia and Scotland


World Class Approach by Liberty Industrial Delivers Two Safe and Successful Explosive Events in Gove, NT


integrated capability responsible decommissioning

decommissioning closure and asset liability consulting

consulting risk management engineered solutions 3d simulation

and simulation liberty modelling dismantling and asset

dismantling and asset recovery synchronised safety

deconstruction resource recovery and recycling expert delivery

high expert industrial delivery reach consulting

expert delivery high reach explosive induced collapse

collapse specialised contracting decontamination

decontamination cleaning remediation environmental stewards

stewards risk mitigation and management waste disposal

How can we help you?

Whether it's a project you would like to discuss, an idea you would like to ponder, or perhaps you're just keen to learn more. We'd love to hear from you!

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