Castrol Lubricants Facility Demolition and Remediation dismantling

Castrol Lubricants Facility Demolition and Remediation

Smithfield, NSW
5 months
Completed 2022


JBS&G Australia engaged Liberty Industrial to provide demolition and remediation services for the Castrol Lubricants Facility. The site, located in Smithfield, New South Wales, was previously used as a manufacturing hub for lubricants and oils destined for a range of industrial and domestic uses. The demolition scope of work involved draining residual oils from all remaining tanks and vessels, asbestos management and disposal and deconstruction of the main warehouse and adjacent above-ground structures. The remediation stage involved the removal of the hardstand layer, decommissioning of USTs and remediation of soils contaminated because of the previous industrial use of the site.


  • The site was in close proximity to neighbouring residential communities (2km away).
  • An extensive presence of asbestos in the main warehouse building.
  • Significant temperature changes throughout the project posed a challenge during the vessel draining process. The team had to remain extra vigilant to ensure all product was captured to allow for safe demolition.

Robust Solutions/Exceptional Outcomes

Robust solutions

  • Before commencing any demolition works, our team safely removed approximately 7,000m2 of asbestos roofing by using a combination of scissor lifts and knuckle booms from within the main warehouse. The building was then cleared by a Licensed Asbestos Assessor, to ensure structural demolition works were safe to conduct.
  • All above-ground storage tanks needed to be thoroughly inspected and cleaned to ensure demolition could be carried out safely. Gas testing was conducted to check for Lower Explosive Limits (LEL’s), which are defined as the lowest concentration (by percentage) to ensure that gas or vapour in the air was not capable of producing a flash of fire in the presence of an ignition source.
  • Once tanks were inspected to have no residual product within them, tanks were demolished using cut and pull techniques to induce the collapse of the vessels to a working height that was then safe for processing the material for loadout.


Exceptional outcomes

The project was completed to schedule, within budget and without incident or injury. Our project team were commended on their efforts throughout the project.

Value Add


Demolition Simulation and Modelling

With exclusive license to demonstrate using Extreme Loading® for Structures (ELS) software developed by Applied Sciences International (ASI).



Use of best approach demolition and dismantling such as explosive using world class fleet, safety and engineering methodologies in explosives and rigging.


Decontamination and Industrial Cleaning

Designing engineered solutions for decontamination such as removal of asbestos, heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins, PFAS and NORMs.


Ground and Waste Water Treatment

Treatment of a wide range of contaminants and complex water treatment and soil vapour extraction.


Asset and Resource Recovery

Comprehensive waste and recycling management to contribute to the circular economy to extend the lifecycle of materials.


Site Remediation

Site rehabilitation via methods such as bioremediation, containment, decontamination, dewatering, stabilisation, treatment and tracking to disposal of contaminants.


World’s Most Powerful Shear Unveiled in Australia

Gove Refinery Closure Project


WGEA Reporting

People and Culture

integrated capability responsible decommissioning

decommissioning closure and asset liability consulting

consulting risk management engineered solutions 3d simulation

and simulation liberty modelling dismantling and asset

dismantling and asset recovery synchronised safety

deconstruction resource recovery and recycling expert delivery

high expert industrial delivery reach consulting

expert delivery high reach explosive induced collapse

collapse specialised contracting decontamination

decontamination cleaning remediation environmental stewards

stewards risk mitigation and management waste disposal

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