High reach demolishing structure part of the Illuka Program of processing facilities

Iluka Program of Demolition and Remediation Works

Various locations VIC and WA
Iluka Resources
14 months
Completed 2019


Iluka Resources commissioned Liberty Industrial to deliver a two year extensive decontamination and demolition program comprising six work packages involving removal of mineral sands mining and processing facilities from across several remote locations throughout Australia. Each package comprised a significant and complex scope of work: WRP Kulwin Ouyen Process Plant Demolition, VIC Douglas Mine Site Demolition, VIC Bunbury Outer Harbour Site Demolition, WA Gingin Mine Concentrator Process Plant Demolition, WA Eneabba Mineral Sands Mine Pre- Concentrator Plant Demolition, WA Narngulu Synthetic Rutile Services Corridor Demolition, WA.


  • Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) required large volumes of testing, segregation and decontamination.
  • A dedicated Radiation Safety Officer surveyed all material prior to it leaving site.
  • For recyclable materials with readings above the statutory limits, a dedicated NORM wash bay was established to remove the radioactive material.
  • The project delivery team also faced the complexities of working in remote locations with staffing and logistics requiring a high degree of planning and coordination.

Exceptional outcomes

  • Close to 50,000 men hours of work were safely completed on the project without injury or incident and 95% or more than 20,000t of material was recycled with only 5% going to landfill or hazardous waste disposal facilities.
  • The project was shortlisted as a finalist for the 2020 World Demolition Awards in the ‘Industrial Demolition’ award category.

Value Add


Closure Consulting

Long-term closure planning, budgets and redevelopment strategies for redundant sites, including Early Contractor Involvement and detailed estimates.


Demolition Simulation and Modelling

With exclusive license to demonstrate using Extreme Loading® for Structures (ELS) software developed by Applied Sciences International (ASI).



Use of best approach demolition and dismantling such as explosive using world class fleet, safety and engineering methodologies in explosives and rigging.


Decontamination and Industrial Cleaning

Designing engineered solutions for decontamination such as removal of asbestos, heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins, PFAS and NORMs.


Ground and Waste Water Treatment

Treatment of a wide range of contaminants and complex water treatment and soil vapour extraction.


Asset and Resource Recovery

Comprehensive waste and recycling management to contribute to the circular economy to extend the lifecycle of materials.


Site Remediation

Site rehabilitation via methods such as bioremediation, containment, decontamination, dewatering, stabilisation, treatment and tracking to disposal of contaminants.



  • 2020 World Demolition Awards, Industrial Demolition Award - Shortlist

Liberty Industrial Completes Award Winning Northern Producer Decommissioning Project and Delivers Exemplary Recycling Program

Liberty Industrial Delivers Innovative & Bespoke Solutions on a Global Scale Winning Two World Demolition Awards for projects in Australia and Scotland


World Class Approach by Liberty Industrial Delivers Two Safe and Successful Explosive Events in Gove, NT


integrated capability responsible decommissioning

decommissioning closure and asset liability consulting

consulting risk management engineered solutions 3d simulation

and simulation liberty modelling dismantling and asset

dismantling and asset recovery synchronised safety

deconstruction resource recovery and recycling expert delivery

high expert industrial delivery reach consulting

expert delivery high reach explosive induced collapse

collapse specialised contracting decontamination

decontamination cleaning remediation environmental stewards

stewards risk mitigation and management waste disposal

How can we help you?

Whether it's a project you would like to discuss, an idea you would like to ponder, or perhaps you're just keen to learn more. We'd love to hear from you!

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