BP Australia engaged Liberty Industrial to demolish and dispose of the redundant processing units and associated equipment that was part of the Queensland Clean Fuels Project (QFCP) at Bulwer Island Refinery - a 120 hectare site located in Brisbane. The detailed scope of work included the demolition of various processing units, pipe racks, equipment rooms, a control building and a hydrogen compressor. The works required six (6) induced collapses and the demolition of a 75m Flare Stack. All foundations were removed and the site graded and levelled which provided a future development platform.
Robust solutions
- Detailed work instructions were developed to allow high-risk activities conducted around live and operational process areas.
- Processing units were grouped to form ‘demolition zones’, which allowed the team to work in a staged and controlled approach based on the classification of these zones.
- Our team adopted a combination of induced collapse and mechanical demolition methodologies to remove the structures – safely and efficiently. This included utilising a combination of Liberty Industrial’s 38, 48 and 70t excavators with shear, grab and hammer attachments.
- All excavated areas were backfilled with clean soil and graded to allow stormwater runoff to be directed to existing site stormwater drains within the demolition zones.
- A Materials Tracking Plan was utilised to track materials from the site to a licensed off-site facility.
Exceptional outcomes
- Liberty Industrial’s project team successfully completed the demolition and disposal works at the Bulwer Island Refinery to the client’s expectations.
- Our decommissioning team was able to process and safely dispose up to 30% more scrap material from the site than anticipated.