Bioremediation delivers a sustainable solution for closure
Heavy industrial sites typically harbour significant levels of contamination. These may be in mines, former defence sites, oil and gas terminals, retired fuel farms and power stations. As companies look to improve their ESG performance and comply with reporting standards, Bioremediation can be an optimum solution for rehabilitation back to natural state
In the planning phase for the closure of a site, it is important to set up the correct remediation technique. Bioremediation can be an optimum solution for closure sites with particular contaminant profiles.
Bioremediation is almost always, the most sustainable form of remediation.
What is Bioremediation?
Bioremediation technology harnesses the power of microorganisms to degrade pollutants, offering sustainable solutions for oil spills, industrial waste and contaminated sites. The versatility and effectiveness of bioremediation systems makes it possible to treat a range of contaminants, such as hydrocarbons and chlorinated ethylenes. This makes it a highly adaptable and efficient solution for remediation projects.
Why is Bioremediation a good approach?
Bioremediation offers numerous environmental and economic advantages:
- Minimal resource requirements: Bioremediation can be cost effective to set up as it necessitates relatively low human and material capital, with the setup and monitoring phases often conducted by the same team overseeing decommissioning operations.
- Cost-effectiveness and scalability: Bioremediation is a cost-efficient solution that can be scaled to suit varying contamination levels.
- Reduced energy consumption and emissions: Bioremediation produces low emissions, especially when compared to methods such as Thermal Desorption, leading to decreased energy usage and emissions.
- Versatility in treating organic contaminants: A well-designed and managed system can tackle a wide range of organic pollutants and is compatible with other technologies, such as stabilisation if there are inorganic co-contaminants such as heavy metals.
- Reusability of remediated material: Materials remediated through bioremediation can often be repurposed, adding to its sustainability due to a reduced requirement for offsite disposal.
What makes a site a good candidate for Bioremediation?
Sites nearing end of life with the criteria below might make them a good candidate for Bioremediation.
- Stable temperatures and climate
- A suitable contaminant profile
- Optimal oxygen, moisture, soil and PH levels (between 5.5-8) depending on contaminant profile, to achieve the best results.
How can I learn more about Bioremediation?
Liberty Industrial has dedicated specialists and engineers with experience in delivering various remediation projects, in a number of countries around the world. Contact Liberty Industrial’s Remediation Manager, Scott Carroll, for more information.