This past Month a few Distinguished Gentlemen at Liberty Industrial’s Port Kembla Gas Terminal Early Works project banded together to grow a MO for the month of Movember.
Led by Senior Project Manager, Marlon Frost, the team used their face, in combination with 30 razor-free days, to help raise much-needed funds for Men’s Health.
A growing number of men – around 10.8M globally – are facing life with a prostate cancer diagnosis. Globally, testicular cancer is the most common cancer among young men. And across the world, one man dies by suicide every minute of every day, with males accounting for 69% of all suicides. By the year 2030, the team at MOvember have made it their mission to reduce the number of men dying prematurely by 25%.
For Marlon, these statistics hit home and after losing a mate to suicide in 2016, his motivation to make the MOst of MOvember has become a personal one.
Marlon and Team DeMO’s efforts did not go unnoticed by the collective business, and we are delighted to share the following stats:
- All members of Team DeMO grew a fabulous MO;
- After reaching $2000, one of us lost their incredible beard (after 25 years of growth!);
- After reaching $3000, another one of us lost their luscious head of hair;
- Directors Clinton Dick and Simon Gill committed to matching dollar for dollar donations, and;
- Team DeMO raised an incredible $5380!
It was a fantastic effort from all involved and we look forward to recruiting more men (and women) to our team in 2022. On behalf of Team DeMO and Liberty Industrial, we would like to thank YOU for your generous support.